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Cantina Mesa invites you to discover Sardinia’s lively traditions, delicious food, and gorgeous natural splendor. All are as unique as our wines. Relax and explore Sardinia with us.

Sardinian Lifestyle

As proud members of the BLUE ZONE™, we're home to one of the world's healthiest centenarian populations. Our days are filled with scenic walks through villages and magnificent beaches.Being active is part of everyday life, and slowing down and taking a break to enjoy a glass of wine with friends and family is just as important.Cheers to unwinding down with Cantina Mesa!


Our traditions

Sardinia is unique because it has kept its traditions alive for centuries due to the island’s isolation. We share our rich history through legends and our spirited community performances to pass on the message through generations. The most anticipated is the Carnival of Mamoiada, a celebration as lively and vivid as our wines, featuring ancestral dances and wearing handcrafted wooden masks called Mamuthones and Issohadores.


Our food

Good food and friendships are two things that are deeply rooted in our souls. "Mesa" translates to “table”—and we believe that some of the best memories are built around the kitchen table, surrounded by family and friends. We hunt, fish, and harvest authentic Sardinian delights. Thanks to our food variety, like fresh seafood, wholesome grains, and exquisite meats, our wines can pair wonderfully with local delicatessens and international cuisines.


Our terroir

We believe in being in harmony with nature. Our wines reflect the land where they came from. Our Vermentino is fresh and vibrant and finishes with a delicate savory note. It will transport you to our beaches with one sip; try Giunco and Primo Bianco. Our Cannonau, with its ripe berries and violet profile, showcases the authentic local grape expression; try Primo Scuro. Carignano from the southwest part of the island is as lively as the winds that pass across the vineyards year-round; try Buio and Buio Buio.